Sunday 16 May 2010


So thanks to David Thornley I was invited on the guestlist to the Florence and The Machine concert last night in which Dave supported playing lead guitar in a band called Babeshadow. If you have not heard of them or their music get downloading on itunes!! Their cool, new and unique music is definitely worth a listen! Alternatively you can go to their myspace website They are an upcoming new band and have just recently won upcoming new band of the week in NME magazine (There is an article on the NME website if you fancy checking it out)Oh, you could also get yourselves down to The Macbeth, 70 Hoxon Street in London on 19th May for the lauch of their EP, 'Sea Serpents'. Sadly I am going to miss it as I am going to be in Paris :( Anyway, take a listen to their music and let me know what you think, I'm sure you will be far from disappointed!

Oh and by the can now get BabeShadow on Spotify!!

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