Monday 31 May 2010


For another part of my emotion project, I took inspiration from the Moschino ad where the model is pulling lots of different facial expressions. I wanted to capture as many emotions of person as I could. So I asked my lovely friend Ali to model for me. I must say it was very amusing trying to pull all kinds of different facial expressions. Anyway, here's what I came up with...

Thursday 27 May 2010


So I was a Paris virgin before last Tuesday when thanks to my lovely boyfriend I got to see the beautiful city for the first time. First evening was the reason for going to Paris in the first place, my boyfriend had bought me tickets to go and see MICHAEL BUBLE!! I'm a little bit of a big fan :) Anyway...after watching the support act (Naturally 7 - who are amazing by the way) Michael Buble comes on stage, everyone starts screaming...and then he begins to speak...his drummer had been sent to hospital with heart problems and therefore he was cancelling the gig! Distraught is an understatement of how I was feeling. We still had an amazing time and made the best of our little romantic getaway.

If you have ever been to Paris and never been to the little bookstore that is just opposite Notre Dame, across the river, then you must check it out. It is the quaintest little place. It has hundreds of really old books, a piano that you can feel free to play, a typewriter to leave little notes, it's so lovely.

And as for Disneyland...! (I had also never been there before so we thought we should treat ourselves after the Michael Buble let down) It is incredible, like a magical world and definitely has something for everyone. Anthony and I went on some craaaazy rollercoasters and also some lovely boat type rides. So if you think that you are too grown up for Disneyland or you don't like rollercoasters, I promise there will be something for you :)

There is our little Paris trip in a nutshell and if you haven't seen the beautiful city yet then I suggest you get yourself packed and on a ferry. Au revoir x

Sunday 16 May 2010


So thanks to David Thornley I was invited on the guestlist to the Florence and The Machine concert last night in which Dave supported playing lead guitar in a band called Babeshadow. If you have not heard of them or their music get downloading on itunes!! Their cool, new and unique music is definitely worth a listen! Alternatively you can go to their myspace website They are an upcoming new band and have just recently won upcoming new band of the week in NME magazine (There is an article on the NME website if you fancy checking it out)Oh, you could also get yourselves down to The Macbeth, 70 Hoxon Street in London on 19th May for the lauch of their EP, 'Sea Serpents'. Sadly I am going to miss it as I am going to be in Paris :( Anyway, take a listen to their music and let me know what you think, I'm sure you will be far from disappointed!

Oh and by the can now get BabeShadow on Spotify!!

Monday 10 May 2010

Toying With Emotions.

Finally, a brief where we are in the driving seat. We get to do exactly what we want for this final project and so I have gone with the theme of Emotions. I wanted to go with something quite broad with plenty of options and plenty of potential. I am going to explore emotions in a variety of ways through, colour, texture, body language, facial expressions, shape etc. I have begun with a photoshoot that is based around colour and the relation of colour to emotions. I'll let you try and work it out for yourselves but I will give you a hint...The paired emotions are opposites...

Thursday 6 May 2010

Oh Dear...

Sooo...last night turned out to be a bit of a messy one. After a lovely meal with Emma in Carluccio's we headed off to Hemingways, a little bit tipsy from our bottle of Fiano but still stable, not so much can be said for the next couple of hours... As soon as we arrived at Hemingways we were greeted with a couple of very scrumptious lychee and passionfruit cocktails, free of charge of course :) Nicely followed by Cosmopolitans, another couple of free lychee and passionfruit cocktails, some strawberry and blueberry cocktail concoctions and two surprise cocktails thanks to Mr Barman. Feeling that we were not quite finished with cocktails for the evening we headed down into Wimbledon centre for a delve into the cocktails at Suburbon. It is fair to say that Emma and I were a little worse for wear by the end of the evening, hence the large Burger King meals and the decision to get a taxi back to Epsom rather than wait 10 minutes for the replacement bus. All the same, a great meal, even greater cocktails and even greater company!

Ciao for now and until next time, Little Miss Brunette x

Wednesday 5 May 2010


So I have just got my grade for the Political Fashion Project. I must say I am over the Moon and totally surprised! Definitley off out tonight for some celebratory cocktails with Emma. Hemingways cocktail and wine bar in Wimbledon we come!!


Friday of last week, myself and my lovely friend, Miss Ali Macelod, ventured out into the city of London on a mission to find some white doves and butterflies for my current photoshoot idea and two copies of ELEPHANT magazine for my lovely boyfriend.Anyway...whilst in Magma, where I was searching for ELEPHANT, I stumbled across a magazine called, MAN ABOUT TOWN. I believe this is technically a 'Men's Magazine' but it has some amazing photoshoot ideas and the layout is really contemporary.You should definitley check it out, I dont think you will be disappointed if you love photography and variety of content. This issue especially as it is 'The Paris Issue' and...seen as though I am off to Paris in two weeks to see Michael Buble, I thought it was rather relevant. Take a look and enjoy :)

Tuesday 4 May 2010

My Most Recent Project.

So basically, this brief was about Political Fashion, taking a current political issue and arguing for or against it with the use of fashion, by creating a magazine spread (amongst other things) to get our arguements across. I looked into body image within the fashion industry and how people within the fashion industry can be so small minded towards using 'Real Women' as models. I was so surprised to see how one size can come in so many shapes and sizes. I know that sounds stupid but I photographed several different women who were all a size 8, yet their body shapes were all so different. The fashion industry claim that their standard sample size is a size 8, so please tell me, if this is so, then why are we not seeing more of these beautiful, curvy women on the catwalks and in fashion magazines?? A couple of examples of exactly what I mean...The idea behind these photographs was that they are meant to be kinda like prisoner mug shots as the curvy, 'real women' have been imprisoned away from the fashion industry if you will.

The magazine spread was supposed to be based on one publication that we chose ourselves. I chose TANK and if you have not read or looked through TANK magazine then shame on you because it's awesome, so get looking. For my spread I went with a sort of evolution idea, consisting of three stages. The first stage is supposed to be that these women are unwanted, tossed aside curvy models, hence why they are in dustbins. In the second stage the models are fresh, new and innocent looking. I had the idea of newborn spring lambs in my head when I was planning this shoot, strange but it appeared to have worked. And finally the third stage was studio based as the models were meant to appear, edgy, high fashion and 'accepted' by the fashion industry. I don't know if you get this feel from the shoot but there is a explanation and here is an example of a few of my final images...

I guess I should show you some of the work I have been doing...

Teamed up with an old friend, Miss Emma Fitzgerald, to create a dress out of paper, which turned into a piece of art, a visual diary, an expression of our lives and friendship. The brief...was simple, to create a dress using paper; it could have been any kind of paper imaginable. Emma and I chose to use photographs, e-mails, letters, diary extracts, musical manuscripts, postcards, book pages, gig tickets...anything we could find that would tell our story, collaborating to make the dress. We called it, 'Thank You for the Memories'. It is pretty self explanatory, the skirt was made up of four sections, each dedicated to something different; My life, Emma's life, things we have done together throughout the years and our new life at uni. The rest of the dress was a mixture of everything from my diary, pages from my favourite book to manuscript of our favourite songs that hold so many memories. Alot of hard work went into this dress, along with a lot (and I mean A LOT of caffeine).
So, there you have it, the hard work, the team work lots of pricked fingers and finally, a lovely outcome, even if I do say so myself.

In the Beginning

So, I thought it was about time I started my own blog as everyone else I know seems to have one, and seen as though I am new to this I'm not quite sure how to begin...

I suppose you should know a little about me first. Well, this is me, Little Miss Brunette, or to everyone else...Just ChloƩ. Average body shape, not very tall, brunette/purpley hair with a great interest in fashion and photography. There you go, me in a nutshell. Enjoy my work, enjoy my opinions and please feel free to comment or ask any questions.
Little Miss Brunette, Ciao x