Tuesday 5 October 2010

BNTM Winner 2010!

After weeks and weeks of religiously watching this years Britain's Next Top Model, seeing the girls leave one by one, leaving the best of the bunch! The final 4 girls were, in my opinion, 4 of the best girls BNTM has ever had on the show. I must admit, my ideal final 3 would have been...

Tiffany Pisani

Joy McLaren

Charlotte Holmes

...but we can't always get what we want and Alisha was a good competitor, Charlotte just happened to be one of my favourites, I don't think anyone can help but to like Charlotte.

Anyway, it came to the final with Alisha, Joy and Tiffany. Joy finished in 3rd place which was a big shock (I had my eyes closed in anticipation at that bit) And then it came to naming the winner...myself and my friend, Emma, had our fingers and toes crossed for Tiffany, she has been a super favourite all the way through the competition so when her photo appeared on the big screen we were screaming and shouting, waving our hands in the air, over the moon that Tiffany had been crowned 'Britain's Next Top Model', and boy, does she deserve it!

The Beautiful...Tiffany Pisani!

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