Thursday 9 September 2010

My Beautiful Birthday Present.

As you all know from how much I go on, I have an amazingly lovely boyfriend, and he got a little more amazing when it came to my birthday this year. Many of you might not know this but I actually play the piano. Haven't played for about 3 years as I lost interst at about the age of 17 when I stopped having lessons after 6 1/2 years. Anywayyyy, for quite a while since before I came to Uni I was always ranting and ranting on about wanting to pick it up again and thinking of possibly getting an electric piano to bring to Uni...this didn't end up happening. You have probably all guessed what is coming...sooo, Anthony knew how much I wanted to pick up playing piano again so for my birthday he secretly planned and schemed with my friends, hired a big white van and surprised me with a wonderfully beautiful piano!! ...I know, he is incredible :)

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