Friday 24 September 2010

Stephen Jones. Covent Garden.

On our journey back from the BBC Blast fashion show we stumbled across Stephen Jones' first millinery salon which originally was in the basement of the store but is now a stunning little boutique looking store, as you can see from the image above. It is pretty known common sense that Stephen Jones makes B-E-A-UUUUTIFUL headwear but from the pieces in his front window I saw something fantabulous! Mr Jones obviously has a humourous streak within him, you can see from the images below the boobies and the willies that are feautured on these headdresses...Love it!!

Thursday 23 September 2010

BBC Blast.

So, another day, another fashion show! This time it was for BBC Blast: your label. It was a fashion show in collaboration with the V&A Create workshops, these collections are from upcoming designers who were a part of the V&A Create workshops. I must say I was very impressed with the range and the quality of the collections! Yet again, my lovely friend Vivien Solak was modelling...see if you can spot her :)

This collection was rather Charlie le Mindu-esk with the use of the hair. I thought this collection was really well put together, each outfit complimented the next. Some people may think that the use of hair is a little bit on the gross side but I think that it has been used in such a minimal and tasteful way.

Heather Smith's collection was simple and elegant with some lovely subtle pleats and geometric shapes as an added touch. I was very much impressed by how well made the collection was. I must say, I do LOVE the model that is in the photograph on the right, her fiery red hair and her interesting sculptured face makes her a very interesting model, I shall hunt her down and shoot her one day...with a camera that is, not with a gun...

I love the idea of this dress, I think the head piece is such a nice touch and is definitely the key part of this outfit. I do think the outfit could be developed to be more successful overall as well as the rest of the collection, for now its a little tacky chic, but I love it!

These two images are a part of the collection from the dress above as you can probably tell from the shapes and vibrant colours.

I loved this designers collection! Evan Phillips' collection had such a consistent style, following a leather theme for the fabrics and was rather experimental with shapes. As a whole I just love love loved the whole collection!!

Loved this!! The outfit was awesome, love the colour, love the shape, love the look!!

Also, loving this model that is in the left hand photograph, her skin and hair being the same colour make her look like a beautiful ice queen, I would also like to photograph her please!

Wednesday 22 September 2010

I WANT....

...this faux fur coat!! I want it sooo badly! I tried it on in Topshop yesterday, and I am usually an against Topshop kinda girl but when I see items like this...I want want want!
It is only £80 and for a faux fur coat, I thought that was a pretty reasonable price. Sooo...if you really care about me or love me...please purchase this for me, size 8...thank you and love you always

Thursday 9 September 2010


...Freja Beha Erichsen! She is my most favourite model at the moment, edgy and stunning! Her hair in the new Chanel Autumn/Winter campaign has influenced my new hair that I shall be obtaining on Saturday excited but nervous at the same time. I feel new hair for a new year at uni, a whole new me...well not entirely :)
This isnt the actual picture that caught my eye with Freja's hair but its similar...eek, fingers crossed it will suit me!

GHOST Fashion Show at JuJu.

My friend Vivien Solak is a very lucky girl and during this exciting time around and during London Fashion Week she is modelling in a fair few catwalk shows. The first of which I attended on Tuesday, thanks to Miss Solak getting me and a friend on the guest list. The show was for GHOST! The venue was at a lovely champagne and cocktail bar on King's Road in London called, JuJu. All of the models looked absolutely stunning and the clothes were beautiful. When Viv came out, I felt like a proud Mother, it brought a tear to my eye, I was so proud :) Unfortunately I only had my very appalling compact camera so the photos havent turned out amazingly but you get the idea...

Anthony's Birthday Present From Me.


Juuust was an Aston Martin track day! I don't think I have seen anyone get over tonsillitus so quickly! One minute he is really ill and in agony with his throat and as soon as he is whizzing round a track at 120 MPH in an Aston Martin V8 Vantage all the pain and illness miraculously disappears!

My Beautiful Birthday Present.

As you all know from how much I go on, I have an amazingly lovely boyfriend, and he got a little more amazing when it came to my birthday this year. Many of you might not know this but I actually play the piano. Haven't played for about 3 years as I lost interst at about the age of 17 when I stopped having lessons after 6 1/2 years. Anywayyyy, for quite a while since before I came to Uni I was always ranting and ranting on about wanting to pick it up again and thinking of possibly getting an electric piano to bring to Uni...this didn't end up happening. You have probably all guessed what is coming...sooo, Anthony knew how much I wanted to pick up playing piano again so for my birthday he secretly planned and schemed with my friends, hired a big white van and surprised me with a wonderfully beautiful piano!! ...I know, he is incredible :)

It has been a while... kill me! Yes, it has been a wee while since my last post but I am back on track now, more for the reason that I am going back to Uni next week and therefore I will be showing you my work as I go along, as always :) Anywho, we have a lot to catch up on...
So, I have moved into my new house, as of June, I have been here all summer with my lovely jubbly boyfriend but sadly he has had to move out now and is now living in Acton in West London and I do miss him dearly! The house is in Epsom on Hook Road, which is student central fun fun fun times! might as well take a look at the new pad...