Monday 21 February 2011

Charlie Le Mindu. LFW AW'11 an intern for Ballad Of... magazine (!/pages/Ballad-OfMagazine/69184036003 - Like this page!), one of my duties was to attend the Charlie Le Mindu show yesterday at London Fashion Week, and what an amazing experience...and it really was an experience. With yet again, naked bodies, like we saw at the Le Mindu show last season, only this time they were covered in what can only be described as fake blood. Alongside all the blood we had lots of lace and gas masks with long blonde hair protruding from the mouth. Finally finishing on a rather un-musical note of a pig squealing during the final walk I said, it was an experience. The French Haute Coiffeur was apparently exploring feminity and sodomy...hmmm...well it was very visually overwhelming you could say. A thoroughly enjoyable and unforgettable moment in my life.

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