Tuesday 21 December 2010

Another Shoot. Another Day.

Well, I did a shoot today, which I styled and photographed, it has been a long wait but the time came and it had to be done. I had a lovely model to work with and a lovely location...Furness Abbey...which consisted of climbing over a fence as it was closed but at least I got a good location to work with. Here are just a few of the images, bare in mind that they are un-editted, I haven't yet decided if I want them editting or not...

Sunday 12 December 2010


You have all heard of my bestest friend in the world, Emma Fitzgerald, as we tend to do everything together and she tends to creep into many of my posts. Well, it was her 21st birthday party on Friday at Proud in Camden. A very interesting and fun fun fun club. She had a booth hired out which is actually, an old horses stable. After many days of Emma fretting that things wouldn't go just quite right, it was a perfectly wicked night! There were so many people there and it was lovely to have our friends from the land of the north there too, who made the mega 6 hour journey to be there. Good Effort! With plenty of free alcohol, thanks to Emma and her Dad, we all got pleasantly pissed, with a few of our friends being escorted from the club, a 9 foot tree man, The Suicide Girls, and just great company, we all had an AMAZING night! :)

And just some evidence...